Why does iTunes store Philippines have only apps?!!!? - itunes gift card philippines
I tried to purchase music and other things from other iTunes stores, but could not because I have a pH Account. I was a little by the fact that our iTunes Store not only offers iPhone Apps annoying! Is it possible to make purchases, without buying gift cards?
You need an account in U.S. currency.
You can without a credit card or iTunes gift card and iTunes can open several accounts in different countries. You can view the items offered free games, applications, music, podcasts, movies, TV episodes. The weekly offers may vary by country.
Instructions: http://usitunes.blogspot.com/
Purchase downloads that have a price, you need a credit card, debit card or a gift for iTunes, that country-specific. You can buy the United States, the United Kingdom, and gift cards from Japan to the website above.
no idea
I live in Turkey and the Problem of the same with the
No Podcast menu is displayed only in-shop applications
Really suck
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